Do you ship worldwide?

Yes we do! Shipping costs will depend on your area, to lower shipping costs join orders with a friend! We ship from Canada, so delivery times will also vary depending on location. Also please take into consideration the shipping delays due to the pandemic. Buyers will be responsible for any local customs fees.

How long before my order is shipped?

Please allow for 7-10 days for order fullfullment. I am a single person running this shop and will do my best to get your order out in a timely matter. Please consider shop updates and seasonal volume before contacting the shop with inquires on when your order will be shipped.

Is it possible to modify my order?

Certain parts of your order can be modified as long as they have not been shipped out yet, such as shipping address, color or size of an item. If you need to make a change please contact us within 24 hours.

If you need to cancel your order we will accept cancelations as long as the order has not been shipped out. Please refer to our Refund policy for more information.

Where is my tracking number?

Orders being shipped out as letter mail will not come with tracking numbers. Orders being shipped out as parcels will have an order number included in your shipping confirmation email. Please contact us if you have not recieved a tracking number with your shipping confirmation email.